Brett Tanner

Ranked as high as the #9 Team by Wallstreet Journal and RealTrends for units sold out of 1.5 million agents.

  • Over $100,000,000 Sold in 2013 -Over 1700 homes sold in the last 3 years.

  • Ranked as high as #3 out of 85,000 agents at Keller Williams International for units sold

As a leader, innovator, investor, and top-selling real estate agent, Brett Tanner blends a unique marketing methodology with a result-driven approach for today's real estate market. Brett's real estate team is comprised of 18 team members that sold over 1000 homes. As an investor, he has purchased, completed, and sold rehab projects valued up to over $50,000,000. Currently, the Team has one of the largest portfolios of Short Sale, Equity and REO listings in the greater Phoenix marketplace.

In this presentation Brett shares his insights on how he got to where he is today.

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